The Pastor Circle is Launching in October 2021!

Introducing the Pastor Circle: A virtual small group for pastors

Leaders Following Christ is thrilled to announce the addition of a new virtual small group for pastors in the LFC circles App. LFC circles is our platform for virtual Bible studies that we created in the summer of 2021 to help niche community members grow closer to God and each other. Our newest Circle is exclusively for pastors, connecting pastors to a community that can understand and support them through common pressures of ministry leadership.

Why launch a circle for pastors?

Pastors dedicate their entire lives to the incredible mission of leading others towards a deeper relationship with Christ. Publically, pastors are able to share the good news of the Gospel, as well as what God is doing through their lives, families, churches, and ministries. Privately, pastors have very few outlets for sharing hardships in their personal lives or ministries. Unless a pastor is blessed with a mentor or counselor outside of their church, they are often lacking support from someone they can open up to who understands their circumstances. Unfortunately, statistics confirm the hardships that pastors face behind the scenes of even the most impactful ministries. According to a 2020 study from Pastoral Care, Inc.:

75% of pastors report significant stress-related crises at least once in their ministry.

27% of pastors report not having anyone to turn to for help in a crisis situation.

70% of pastors do not have someone they consider to be a close friend.

84% of pastors desire to have close fellowship with someone they can trust and confide in.

The Pastor Circle is providing a community where pastors can find support from other ministry leaders and a Chaplain. We will meet monthly for a short Bible study followed by a small group discussion. Throughout the month, we will stay connected to chat, pray, ask/provide advice, and share updates in the Pastor Circle Chat through the LFC circles App.

Join the Pastor Circle

The Pastor Circle meets on the first Monday of every month in the LFC circles App. If you are a pastor interested in joining the Pastor Circle, click here to sign up today! You will receive an email with all of the information you need to get connected.