
Kings and Kingdoms

Samuel, Kings & Chronicles

King Saul

February 25, 2023 • Pastor Jackson Garrell • 1 Kings 19:11–13

This Bible study explores the life and downfall of Saul to teach us valuable lessons about the dangers of selfishness and disobedience. Discussion Guide: Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week, and what was the lowest part of your week?  Q1: What would you do if you were king for a day?  Q2: What stuck out to you from today’s message?  Q3: What made Saul a bad king?  Q4: What can you do to protect yourself from selfishness?  Q5: What are some ways we blame others for our problems? How can we change that behavior?  Q6: How is Jesus a different kind of king than Saul?  Application: Do you struggle with selfishness or disobedience? What are some proactive ways you can fight off selfishness and disobedience in your life?  To learn more about circles that are bringing people together to grow closer to God and each other, visit https://lfccircles.com/

King David

February 26, 2023 • Pastor Jackson Garrell • 1 Samuel 24:3, 1 Samuel 24:19, 1 Samuel 16:1–6, 1 Samuel 18:1–7

This Bible study surveys the tumultuous rise of King David to show us how God helped David defeat three bullies: Goliath, Saul, and David himself. Then we will discuss how God can help us defeat our own adversaries. Discussion Guide: Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week, and what was the lowest part of your week?  Q1: What stuck out to you from this message?  Q3: What words come to mind when you think of King David? Why?  Q4: What lessons can we learn from the story of David and Goliath? Q5: What lessons can we learn from the reality that David did not harm Saul?  Q6: David was a good king, but he wasn’t perfect. How did David fall short of perfection?  Application: Write down the metaphorical bullies you face — emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Cross out each circumstance and write “Jesus” in big letters next to it — reminding you that Christ is far bigger than any circumstance in your life.  To learn more about circles that are bringing people together to grow closer to God and each other, visit https://lfccircles.com/

King Solomon

February 27, 2023 • Pastor Jackson Garrell • Mark 1:15, 1 Kings 3:5, Ecclesiastes 2:9–11, 1 Chronicles 17:11–14, Luke 11:31

This Bible study on the Kings of Israel surveys the wisdom, wealth, and works of King Solomon. Discussion Guide: Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week, and what was the lowest part of your week? Q1: If God told you he would give you any gift you asked for, what would you request from Him? Q2: What stuck out to you from this message?  Q3: What is the wisest advice you’ve ever been given? How did it benefit you? Q4: What practical things can you do to grow in wisdom?  Q5: Solomon made the Temple, but God made you into a temple too. How should this change the way you live?  Q6: “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” What do you think Jesus means by this claim?  Application: You are an ambassador to “the Kingdom of Heaven.” That means you should find ways to carry the Kingdom with you. Ask for God to show you opportunities to do that this week.  To learn more about circles that are bringing people together to grow closer to God and each other, visit https://lfccircles.com/